The Culinary Historians of Northern Illinois
The Cookery Manuscript Project
Historic Recipe Road Show
A founding goal of the Culinary Historians of Northern Illinois is the Cookery Manuscript Project whose intent is to capture, record, maintain and study the culinary history of the region through historical family recipes and culinary manuscripts. Having such a collection of recipes and comments is an important research tool for those working on new perspectives on cultural, political, and social history.
Meet in person with a culinary history expert who can tell you more about your family recipes while they are being digitally preserved to become part of CHNI’s collection.

What to Bring
...Handwritten Recipes that are at least 50 years old
...Whether on paper or on recipe cards, published recipes that have notes and comments added, handmade family cookbooks.
... Your memories of the family member and cooking occasions and experiences
... Pictures of the completed dish, the family member, or related family occasion
... completed Cookery Manuscript Submission Form (available at the Road Show or HERE at www.culinaryhistoriansofnorthernillinois.com)
... We will return your materials to you and maintain the digital files.

Permission: By submitting your manuscripts you are giving Culinary Historians of Northern Illinois permission to use, save, post, print, publish and/or distribute the manuscripts, narratives and accompanying materials