
Historic Recipe Road Show

Cookery Manuscript Project
Culinary Historians of Northern Illinois (CHNI) is looking for handwritten recipes at least 50 years old. CHNI will record your historic recipes and related family culinary memories as part of their Cookery Manuscript Project.
Bring your recipes and completed form
(found at www.culinaryhistoriansofnorthernillinois.com) to the Historic Recipe Road Show. During your appointment, a CHNI historic recipe expert will meet with you and tell you more about your family recipes. CHNI will digitally preserve your contributions for their growing archives as a way to study Illinois cultural, political, and social history.
Saturday, April 14, 2018 3:00 to 5:00
Oak Park River Forest Museum
129 Lake Street, Oak Park
(Southeast corner of Lake and Lombard)
The event is free but reservations are suggested: 708-848-6755
For more information and forms visit:

The Culinary Historians of Northern Illinois seek to understand social and cultural history through the study and celebration of food and drink.
culinary.historians.ni@gmail.com ~~~ Facebook.com/culinaryhistorians